Before providing us with your Personal Data, please read the following Privacy Statement at your disposal where you will be informed about how your personal information will be handled and for what purposes.

The Mexican Chamber of the Tequila Industry (hereinafter CHAMBER) is responsible for the use and protection of your Personal Data collected by the Chamber, in accordance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals, its Regulations and Guidelines, to which effect it informs you of the following:

The Chamber has its address at Calzada Lázaro Cárdenas number 3289 fifth floor, in Colonia Chapalita in Guadalajara, Jalisco, C.P. 44500, telephone 33-3121-5021, which is designated to receive all types of notifications; notices may also be sent by e-mail at 

By providing us with your Personal Data, we shall deem that you agree with the terms of this Privacy Statement and the purposes of its processing set forth below, as well as the means and procedures made available to you to exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition and revocation, whereby it shall be understood that you have tacitly granted your consent for its use.

Furthermore, you are hereby notified that the use of our Web Site, is of free access, but there are certain sections that the system itself requires that you provide your basic Personal Data in order to access, and the fact that you access constitutes your approval of the privacy policies and the terms and conditions set forth in this Privacy Statement (which is permanently available on the electronic site itself) as well as your consent regarding its use. Our Web Site will not collect data or information unless you provide it, therefore, if you do not want us to collect your personal data or information and treat it according to the purposes described below, do not send it. Should you decide to disclose personal information it will be protected as described in this Privacy Statement.

In the event that the privacy statement is not disclosed directly or personally to the owner, the owner of the Personal Data has a period of five working days to, if applicable, express their refusal for the processing of their Personal Data by sending an e-mail to

For the purposes indicated in this Privacy Statement, be advised that Personal Data of minors, sensitive data or secondary data are not collected, only general data and main information that are necessary for the relationships as an Affiliate and Honorary member or for the services provided by the CHAMBER are collected. To that effect, your Personal Data may be obtained in different ways: when provided directly by you, when attending a meeting, event, conference, training or requesting information and services, as well as when browsing certain sections of our website.  

The Personal Data that the Chamber collects are: Name, date of birth, address, email, telephone number, as well as, and depending on each case, certain documents related to your identity, like: Identification, Federal Taxpayer’s Registry and/or Tax IDs, Tax Regime.

In order to control the quality of the service, certain conferences or meetings may be audio or video recorded during which your identity will be visible. This is previously informed to the participants, who must express their opposition at that moment and excuse themselves from attending the conference or meeting.

All your Personal Data are provided by yourself, freely, agreeing with the Privacy Policy herein and authorizing its use and processing for the following main purposes, without the existence of secondary purposes of the use of your Personal Data, which are necessary for the existence, maintenance and fulfillment of the legal relationship between the CHAMBER and the holder of the Personal Data, being as follows:

  1. Carry out the registration as an affiliate or honorary member of this Chamber.
  2. Verify and confirm your identity.
  3. Authenticate the documentation and information you provide us.
  4. Request the information to which a member of the Chamber is obliged to provide.
  5. Send summons and newsletters about the tequila industry’s activity.
  6. Record attendance at events and meetings.
  7. Offer and provide information about our services, events and conferences, as a natural consequence of the Chamber´s activities to which you voluntarily affiliate with.
  8. Send products and services offered by companies related to the Industrial field.
  9. Contact you to evaluate the quality of our services and to know your specific needs regarding the tequila industry sector and to better guide the services offered.
  10. Prepare invoices for payment of fees and other services rendered.
  11. Register you in our systems for when payments must be made for your services.
  12. Support you, at your request, in the registration of access to visit tequila companies.
  13. Assist you, at your behest, in the registration of external events and participation in Social Responsibility instances.
  14. Register you with the Mexican Business Information System, by legal provision.
  15. Add you to WhatsApp groups in the Committees in which you decide to participate, as the case may be.

Be informed that cookies are used on our website; web beacons that allow us to monitor your behavior as an Internet user, to provide you with a better service and user experience when browsing our website, as well as to offer you new products and services based on your preferences.

The Personal Data we obtain from these tracking technologies are the following: browsing hours, browsing time on our website, sections consulted. This information is for internal statistical use purposes, it will not be disclosed, nor shared with third parties. Likewise, the use of cookies and your IP address, taken by this site, is done only for the purpose of maintaining a site according to your local preferences (such as web browser used, operating system, ISP, etc.). Cookies allow us to deliver content tailored to the interests and needs of our users/visitors. It is possible to disable cookies directly from your browser, for more information consult the provider of your internet browser.

In the event that you do not wish your Personal Data to be processed for any or all of the aforementioned purposes, you can communicate the above to the person in charge, Margarita Rodríguez Moctezuma by phone at 33-3121-5021. Regardless of the confirmation by email,, the refusal of the use of data for any of the purposes may not be grounds for denying services according to the permitted intentions or the handling necessary according to the origin of the CHAMBER/Affiliate or Honorary Member relationship.

The CHAMBER has adopted administrative, technical and physical security measures necessary to prevent the loss, damage, alteration, destruction, use, access, unauthorized handling or improper disclosure, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of the Personal Data, an obligation that will prevail even after the termination of its relationship with the owner or, where appropriate, with the responsible party.  Likewise, the website of this CHAMBER is responsible for ensuring your security, the privacy of your information and respect for your data, in accordance with the limitations that the current Internet network provides us, being aware that we are not excluded from faulty updates in information systems or computer security as well as from malicious attacks exercised by computer crime.

Be informed that only the personnel or authorized collaborators of the CHAMBER, who have complied with and observed the corresponding confidentiality requirements, who are aware of this privacy statement and specifically the purposes of the Personal Data obtained, may participate in the processing of your Personal Data, with the understanding that, the person responsible for the handling and protection of your Personal Data is Margarita Rodríguez Moctezuma, with whom you may limit the use and disclosure of your personal information through the means implemented and specified below.

Furthermore, we inform you that you have the right to know what Personal Data we have about you, what its uses are and the conditions of use given, and you may, if requested, obtain a copy of the document containing your data (Access). It is also your right to: request correction of your personal information if it is outdated, inaccurate or incomplete (Rectification); request it be deleted from our records or databases when you consider that it is not being used in accordance with the principles, duties and obligations provided for in the regulations (Cancellation); as well as object to the use of your Personal Data for specific purposes (Opposition). These rights are known as ARCO rights; likewise, you can revoke and limit consent to the use of your Personal Data.

In order to exercise any ARCO right, revoke or limit the processing of your Personal Data, as well as to express your refusal to receive communications or promotions, the following procedure is required:

Submit a request at our address, indicated at the beginning of this letter, from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. or by email,, notwithstanding the requirements and the procedure set forth below, you may call for guidance on the requirements and procedure to follow at 33-3121-5021 requesting the attention of Margarita Rodríguez Moctezuma, for which the following procedure will be observed: 

The request to be submitted must be in writing and contain at least:  

  1. Full name.
  2. Indicate whether the request is submitted in person or through a representative.
  3. Provide an address to receive notifications.
  4. If possible, indicate a telephone number.
  5. If you have an e-mail address, provide it and indicate whether you agree to receive notifications by e-mail.
  6. A clear and precise description of the Personal Data for which you are requesting to exercise any of the aforementioned ARCO rights, revocation or limitation.
  7. In the case of requesting a rectification, attach an official document that certifies the correct data.
  8. As the case may be, the express declaration to revoke the consent to the processing of your Personal Data.
  9. Official document that proves your identity or that of your representative, as well as the document that proves such representation; all documents must be submitted in original and copy for comparison. 

The procedure will be processed in accordance with the terms and stages established in the Law, especially those indicated in Article 32 of the Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals, specifically establishing a period of 20 days to notify the adopted determination, which will be interrupted upon request for missing or insufficient documentation submitted or the correction of the information provided. When it is insufficient or inaccurate, the applicant must comply with the summons within 10 days from the day following the notification.

The request will be issued only once and if the interested party does not respond within 10 days, the request shall be deemed not to have been filed, in accordance with the provisions of the Law mentioned in the preceding paragraph.

The deadline for the final determination will be within 20 days, which may be extended, a situation that must be notified to the applicant indicating the reasons, as established in Article 97 of the Regulations of the aforementioned Law.

In any case, the final determination adopted will be effective within 15 days following the notification thereof, in the understanding that, in the case of requests for access to Personal Data, it will proceed provided that the identity of the applicant or the legal representative is evidenced.

If you do not agree with the decision issued by the responsible party, you can appeal in accordance with the Procedure for the Protection of Rights set forth in Chapter VII of the Regulation of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals.

This privacy statement may be modified, changed or updated as a result of new legal requirements; our own needs for the services offered; our privacy practices; changes in our activities or other causes; which will be made known to you on our Website, as well as by e-mail at the e-mails that have been provided or by requesting it via e-mail to; as it is your responsibility to keep yourself informed for proper management of your information.

Lastly, for all legal purposes, you are hereby informed that the person from the CHAMBER who is responsible for the processing of your Personal Data is Margarita Rodríguez Moctezuma, with whom you can communicate by telephone at 33-3121-5021 or by email, with whom you can also receive and answer your questions or complaints regarding the processing of your Personal Data, who depending on the complexity or extent of the doubt, may ask you to submit your query in writing, which will be answered within a maximum period of 10 working days.